Thursday, February 7, 2013

Beta apki Namaz nai hoi ....! [Part 1]

Every now and then you come across elderly people who love to pass judgments on you. And our desi elderly people excel somehow in this marvelous art.  Well I complain not, for they are genuinely sweet and lovable. But when you are young and specially in your teens you just hate most of the people around you. And for me I hated everyone in my teens to the point of no return.

The short story which fills up my mind at the 12th hour of the night still somehow manages to put a smile on my face. When I was in my teens I was an avid namazi. I use to offer salat 5 times a day and that too in the mosque. Now this all seems like an accomplishment to me. I was always dressed in a casual way, whenever I went to mosque. Sometimes I even sweat terribly, because I used to go to mosque with friends just after playing cricket in intense summers. In the mosque the young people hardly ever noticed my ill-state but for the elderly people I was always the subject of their criticism. My weary jeans my short t-shirt never looked agreeable to them.

Among elderly people there were different classes too. Some of them were so much grumpy that you couldn't even dare to stand with them during jammat. And some of them just used to converse with us about our cricket game. In our mosque there was a flock of elderly people who were always together. Some of them were even grandfathers of my friends. Everyone was somehow linked to each other as we all lived in the same block. These elderly people were always hard on us when it came to our salat.

Once me and my friends were offering Asar Salat and because of something we missed the jamat. But before we could offer our salat, we had to answer all the questions of these elderly people who used to spend most of their time in the mosque. You have to be prepared to answer their questions as it can be of any type.

Among that group of elderly people Meer sahab (R.I.P) was a very gentle soul, though he used to get annoyed very easily, if you see him and you don't offer a salam to him. So if you saw Meer sahab somewhere in the block an assalam-e-alykum shake hand is must even if you have to walk a km to shake hands with him. If you somehow did not offer salam to him the next time you see him prepare yourself a very good explanation of the crime you committed by not paying salam to him. I have always thought that how Meer sahab use to remember the exact time and date of the day when he was ignored. He must had some kind of notebook in which he used to write the name of the person the moment he ignored him. But this all was not the reason of Meer sahab popularity in our block. It was actually his golden tooth which was of prime importance. It was just right there at the center when he use to smile and indeed it was a worth seeing site.

Another must mention personality of that flock is Mirza sahab. A long white beard person, always dressed in white shalwar qameez. He was so famous for his whiteness that he eventually ended up being called as surf excel. These short names were the code names between the youngsters. Mirza Sahab also kept a sharp eye on all the affairs of our block. He can see the guy in the eyes and tell what is going though his mind. Mirza sahab was not judgmental but he just somehow happens to know the truth of us all. You have to have a nerve in order to plunge yourself in religious discussion with Mirza Sahab because then be prepared to sit in the mosque from Zuhur to Maghrib.

Agha jee was the spice of their group. He had a story on everything you name it. He once even told us that he had traveled on the time machine as well. He was not a hardliner at all, may be he was just there among them because he was given a central position in the group. Agha jee knew all the heroes of pakistan and in his stories he had been there to help for almost everyone. Seldom he advised us to offer salat unlike others. May be he knew that he must not go hard on us and instead he was the one joking with us all the time. Agha jee once told us that he was right hand of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto though he never took any party positions. Agha jee had a great sense of sarcasm when it used to come to Mirza Sahab, but they were really good friends. They remained good friends till last.

The next guy in the line was siddique uncle. He also had a white beard but shorter than Mirza Sahab. Siddique uncle was the scholar of our block and an avid supporter of the imam sahab of our mosque. His height of faithfulness was such that he even went to jail once because of Imam sahab, but that is a long story which just cracks me high. Siddique uncle had a philosophy and according to that philosophy calling him uncle was haram. He wanted to be called as brother siddique. According to him he was our brother in Islam not the Uncle. Everything we did was almost haram in the eyes of siddique uncle. Entering mosque with jeans and t-shirt was haram, not wearing a topi was haram, whispering in the mosque was haram. We had so much haram in our lives that in the end we named siddique uncle as brother haram. He was the source of great laughter and fun we use to have in the mosque. Smiling with a bit loud noise was just unacceptable for siddique uncle and exactly at the point when we used to see him we couldn't ever stop not laughing loud.

We always used to sit in the last rows in the mosque. And many a times Agha jee used to come to us and told us to go to the lines in front just to tease siddique uncle. Siddique uncle also had a philosophy that without proper beards we must not put ourselves in the front lines. According to him, we must improve our Imans as we terribly suck in that, and for that he had a way ..

[TBC] ~~

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Beta apki Namaz nai hoi ....! [Part 1]

Every now and then you come across elderly people who love to pass judgments on you. And our desi elderly people excel somehow in this marvelous art.  Well I complain not, for they are genuinely sweet and lovable. But when you are young and specially in your teens you just hate most of the people around you. And for me I hated everyone in my teens to the point of no return.

The short story which fills up my mind at the 12th hour of the night still somehow manages to put a smile on my face. When I was in my teens I was an avid namazi. I use to offer salat 5 times a day and that too in the mosque. Now this all seems like an accomplishment to me. I was always dressed in a casual way, whenever I went to mosque. Sometimes I even sweat terribly, because I used to go to mosque with friends just after playing cricket in intense summers. In the mosque the young people hardly ever noticed my ill-state but for the elderly people I was always the subject of their criticism. My weary jeans my short t-shirt never looked agreeable to them.

Among elderly people there were different classes too. Some of them were so much grumpy that you couldn't even dare to stand with them during jammat. And some of them just used to converse with us about our cricket game. In our mosque there was a flock of elderly people who were always together. Some of them were even grandfathers of my friends. Everyone was somehow linked to each other as we all lived in the same block. These elderly people were always hard on us when it came to our salat.

Once me and my friends were offering Asar Salat and because of something we missed the jamat. But before we could offer our salat, we had to answer all the questions of these elderly people who used to spend most of their time in the mosque. You have to be prepared to answer their questions as it can be of any type.

Among that group of elderly people Meer sahab (R.I.P) was a very gentle soul, though he used to get annoyed very easily, if you see him and you don't offer a salam to him. So if you saw Meer sahab somewhere in the block an assalam-e-alykum shake hand is must even if you have to walk a km to shake hands with him. If you somehow did not offer salam to him the next time you see him prepare yourself a very good explanation of the crime you committed by not paying salam to him. I have always thought that how Meer sahab use to remember the exact time and date of the day when he was ignored. He must had some kind of notebook in which he used to write the name of the person the moment he ignored him. But this all was not the reason of Meer sahab popularity in our block. It was actually his golden tooth which was of prime importance. It was just right there at the center when he use to smile and indeed it was a worth seeing site.

Another must mention personality of that flock is Mirza sahab. A long white beard person, always dressed in white shalwar qameez. He was so famous for his whiteness that he eventually ended up being called as surf excel. These short names were the code names between the youngsters. Mirza Sahab also kept a sharp eye on all the affairs of our block. He can see the guy in the eyes and tell what is going though his mind. Mirza sahab was not judgmental but he just somehow happens to know the truth of us all. You have to have a nerve in order to plunge yourself in religious discussion with Mirza Sahab because then be prepared to sit in the mosque from Zuhur to Maghrib.

Agha jee was the spice of their group. He had a story on everything you name it. He once even told us that he had traveled on the time machine as well. He was not a hardliner at all, may be he was just there among them because he was given a central position in the group. Agha jee knew all the heroes of pakistan and in his stories he had been there to help for almost everyone. Seldom he advised us to offer salat unlike others. May be he knew that he must not go hard on us and instead he was the one joking with us all the time. Agha jee once told us that he was right hand of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto though he never took any party positions. Agha jee had a great sense of sarcasm when it used to come to Mirza Sahab, but they were really good friends. They remained good friends till last.

The next guy in the line was siddique uncle. He also had a white beard but shorter than Mirza Sahab. Siddique uncle was the scholar of our block and an avid supporter of the imam sahab of our mosque. His height of faithfulness was such that he even went to jail once because of Imam sahab, but that is a long story which just cracks me high. Siddique uncle had a philosophy and according to that philosophy calling him uncle was haram. He wanted to be called as brother siddique. According to him he was our brother in Islam not the Uncle. Everything we did was almost haram in the eyes of siddique uncle. Entering mosque with jeans and t-shirt was haram, not wearing a topi was haram, whispering in the mosque was haram. We had so much haram in our lives that in the end we named siddique uncle as brother haram. He was the source of great laughter and fun we use to have in the mosque. Smiling with a bit loud noise was just unacceptable for siddique uncle and exactly at the point when we used to see him we couldn't ever stop not laughing loud.

We always used to sit in the last rows in the mosque. And many a times Agha jee used to come to us and told us to go to the lines in front just to tease siddique uncle. Siddique uncle also had a philosophy that without proper beards we must not put ourselves in the front lines. According to him, we must improve our Imans as we terribly suck in that, and for that he had a way ..

[TBC] ~~