Monday, December 2, 2013

Wish we could live another day

I cut this slice of time to hold it in my hands,
I go on my knees but the sullen crowd doesn't understand,
The unsaid words and the repudiate belief,
All come together to celebrate our defeat,
Do you hear me my flawless pride?
 I shout out loud to commemorate our fallen love,
The sullen crowd is felicitous with its remarkable triumph,
A word to you has become an offence,
Let this crowd has its say, let us gift it another thousand days,
Let me be weary and old so I can bury these grievances,
Then allow this crowd to immortalize another victorious day,
My screams will come as whispers; my wishes for you will always be silent,
Rarely I speak to me and unfold the acerbic prevarications,
Better our world crumbled better the home was burnt,
Better the crowd lacked empathy, better we got fleeced,
For what it matters is not the beginning but the end,
Yet I wish we could live another day, just another day.

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Monday, December 2, 2013

Wish we could live another day

I cut this slice of time to hold it in my hands,
I go on my knees but the sullen crowd doesn't understand,
The unsaid words and the repudiate belief,
All come together to celebrate our defeat,
Do you hear me my flawless pride?
 I shout out loud to commemorate our fallen love,
The sullen crowd is felicitous with its remarkable triumph,
A word to you has become an offence,
Let this crowd has its say, let us gift it another thousand days,
Let me be weary and old so I can bury these grievances,
Then allow this crowd to immortalize another victorious day,
My screams will come as whispers; my wishes for you will always be silent,
Rarely I speak to me and unfold the acerbic prevarications,
Better our world crumbled better the home was burnt,
Better the crowd lacked empathy, better we got fleeced,
For what it matters is not the beginning but the end,
Yet I wish we could live another day, just another day.

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