Monday, July 8, 2013

Letter to Fauzia Kasuri – by an Insafian

Dear Kasuri,

It has been our pleasure to have you in Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf for long time. The pleasure has not been much endearing for the past six months. Your grievances were such that you were being played inside the party.  Sometimes you attributed this to lack of attention given to you and sometimes you not being given the party ticket or any post inside the party for that matter.

We Insafians are seriously sick of you lot, you join the party and then you talk of it as you own the party. Later you leave if your demands are not met then you go to media bash all of us. Make huge claims and then after sometime you find yourself some weird reason and then again you join the party. If you think after doing all this you become important for the party then you are clearly mistaken. To tell you the truth we’d give you and mazari both on any given Sunday if not only for Imran Khan. In the case of Mazari her process would be speedier thankfully to her hippie desperately trying to be blonde daughter.

It’s about time that your lot should leave the high school and think of being a graduate. I must remind you lot here that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf is not only Imran Khan. It seems that you think that the only person you have to work with or you have to listen to is Imran Khan. From Republicans to Democrats every party has lobbyists inside them. There are always groups within the bigger groups. If you can’t fight them politically then it’s your incompetency. From the first day you only wanted to work under Imran Khan. You never worked on your relationships with other party members and you still don’t. How would you expect anyone to lobby for you then. It’s time for these “founding members” to actually learn that a political party is full of internal politics. If you can’t play it well it’s your fault, everyone is on its own. If you have to cry in front of media because you are house wife, and a mother and some other stuff as well then we’d honestly suggest you concentrate on that. There are quite a number of women in PTI with all those traits and still working for the party without claiming a bigger carpet for them.

From now on it’s my humble request if you go out on media stop whining about what happens inside the party. You haven’t done any better in your first interview with Kashif Abbasi, and your whining still continues. In order to be in politics you need to have thick skin, and if you can’t have it, it’s about time you can choose a different career path for yourself.

 And lastly, do not please for the sake of this good earth use the term “Mother of PTI”. I don’t know if you realize it or not but it is itself is a big LMAO. A piece of advice for you is to concentrate on the internal politics more than the external politics because clearly the former is of more importance to you.

P.S Nevertheless Welcome Back.

Kind Regards,
Ali Waqar

1 comment:

  1. It looks like a letter written by son to his mother , who escaped from home with her lover . When she returned back home after few days , Her elder son is bashing her .
    " We Insafians ( Children) are seriously sick of you lot, you join the party (home ) and then you talk of it as you own the party(home). Later you leave if your demands are not met then you go to media bash all of us".
    Just replace words like this in whole article and enjoy .


Monday, July 8, 2013

Letter to Fauzia Kasuri – by an Insafian

Dear Kasuri,

It has been our pleasure to have you in Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf for long time. The pleasure has not been much endearing for the past six months. Your grievances were such that you were being played inside the party.  Sometimes you attributed this to lack of attention given to you and sometimes you not being given the party ticket or any post inside the party for that matter.

We Insafians are seriously sick of you lot, you join the party and then you talk of it as you own the party. Later you leave if your demands are not met then you go to media bash all of us. Make huge claims and then after sometime you find yourself some weird reason and then again you join the party. If you think after doing all this you become important for the party then you are clearly mistaken. To tell you the truth we’d give you and mazari both on any given Sunday if not only for Imran Khan. In the case of Mazari her process would be speedier thankfully to her hippie desperately trying to be blonde daughter.

It’s about time that your lot should leave the high school and think of being a graduate. I must remind you lot here that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf is not only Imran Khan. It seems that you think that the only person you have to work with or you have to listen to is Imran Khan. From Republicans to Democrats every party has lobbyists inside them. There are always groups within the bigger groups. If you can’t fight them politically then it’s your incompetency. From the first day you only wanted to work under Imran Khan. You never worked on your relationships with other party members and you still don’t. How would you expect anyone to lobby for you then. It’s time for these “founding members” to actually learn that a political party is full of internal politics. If you can’t play it well it’s your fault, everyone is on its own. If you have to cry in front of media because you are house wife, and a mother and some other stuff as well then we’d honestly suggest you concentrate on that. There are quite a number of women in PTI with all those traits and still working for the party without claiming a bigger carpet for them.

From now on it’s my humble request if you go out on media stop whining about what happens inside the party. You haven’t done any better in your first interview with Kashif Abbasi, and your whining still continues. In order to be in politics you need to have thick skin, and if you can’t have it, it’s about time you can choose a different career path for yourself.

 And lastly, do not please for the sake of this good earth use the term “Mother of PTI”. I don’t know if you realize it or not but it is itself is a big LMAO. A piece of advice for you is to concentrate on the internal politics more than the external politics because clearly the former is of more importance to you.

P.S Nevertheless Welcome Back.

Kind Regards,
Ali Waqar

1 comment:

  1. It looks like a letter written by son to his mother , who escaped from home with her lover . When she returned back home after few days , Her elder son is bashing her .
    " We Insafians ( Children) are seriously sick of you lot, you join the party (home ) and then you talk of it as you own the party(home). Later you leave if your demands are not met then you go to media bash all of us".
    Just replace words like this in whole article and enjoy .
