Sunday, September 8, 2013

Such is the story of my thousand moments - Part-I

Dovish sky and the silver gate
A gentle touch and a golden haze
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

Walked the green carpet with the bare feet
Heard the heart of GOD with a gentle beat
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

I saw her standing near a beamish lake
Frozen were the footsteps and weary breathe 
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

The trees were falling the wind was seized
The cosmos roaring still she paid no heed.
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

She was wearing majestic white,
A symbol of her flawless pride.
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

A noble monk affectionately held my hand,
Apprised me to walk towards the flawless pride,
Such is the story of my thousand moments.
With steps belittled and infinite space
I covered a mile in a hundred decades.
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

With an angelic joy the fear crumble my heart
Will again the endless enmity of time take away my flawless pride?
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

The gaze of monk and this state of my anxiety
Made him wonder about my orthodox sobriety
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

In his wise words he made an astounding remark,
Our fears shall further advocate the sanity of our love.
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

Eyes will freeze hearts tend to cease,
On a mere thought of meeting my flawless pride,
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Such is the story of my thousand moments - Part-I

Dovish sky and the silver gate
A gentle touch and a golden haze
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

Walked the green carpet with the bare feet
Heard the heart of GOD with a gentle beat
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

I saw her standing near a beamish lake
Frozen were the footsteps and weary breathe 
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

The trees were falling the wind was seized
The cosmos roaring still she paid no heed.
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

She was wearing majestic white,
A symbol of her flawless pride.
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

A noble monk affectionately held my hand,
Apprised me to walk towards the flawless pride,
Such is the story of my thousand moments.
With steps belittled and infinite space
I covered a mile in a hundred decades.
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

With an angelic joy the fear crumble my heart
Will again the endless enmity of time take away my flawless pride?
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

The gaze of monk and this state of my anxiety
Made him wonder about my orthodox sobriety
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

In his wise words he made an astounding remark,
Our fears shall further advocate the sanity of our love.
Such is the story of my thousand moments.

Eyes will freeze hearts tend to cease,
On a mere thought of meeting my flawless pride,
Such is the story of my thousand moments.