Saturday, December 31, 2016

Where did it go?

Not letting it go, and not letting it disappear but it will despite all the efforts. That is how the fourth dimension twists and manipulates the very fabric of our torn and conflicting realities. That unfinished mint tea symbolizes the befuddled state of mind. Bought that mint plant with so much enthusiasm and it did work and grow and it was so fresh. But right there where it needed me the most, I stopped caring. Well not entirely correct though, did not stop caring but it was the cold. The cold inside me or the barbarous winters outside made me weak and stopped me from taking two steps to water that beautiful mint. The mint died and it was awfully satisfying to see it go through that stage of life. Talking about life, it reminds me of that wavering candle which is inside the glass. The glass protects its candle and candle warms the glass with its flames. One day candle felt boxed by the glass as it needed more air to burn its flames. It ended up burning its very own glass in the desire of more air. The moment the glass got melted, the candle couldn't handle the flame and it went off for the entirety of its existence.

Just some moments before we go to another man made time differential of universe its very probable that we might just become the very entities of this forever expanding universe. And what can be a better way to commemorate new year other than writing a blog post? Well lets give a warm applause to another 365 days of already planned life of a unicorn. 

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Where did it go?

Not letting it go, and not letting it disappear but it will despite all the efforts. That is how the fourth dimension twists and manipulates the very fabric of our torn and conflicting realities. That unfinished mint tea symbolizes the befuddled state of mind. Bought that mint plant with so much enthusiasm and it did work and grow and it was so fresh. But right there where it needed me the most, I stopped caring. Well not entirely correct though, did not stop caring but it was the cold. The cold inside me or the barbarous winters outside made me weak and stopped me from taking two steps to water that beautiful mint. The mint died and it was awfully satisfying to see it go through that stage of life. Talking about life, it reminds me of that wavering candle which is inside the glass. The glass protects its candle and candle warms the glass with its flames. One day candle felt boxed by the glass as it needed more air to burn its flames. It ended up burning its very own glass in the desire of more air. The moment the glass got melted, the candle couldn't handle the flame and it went off for the entirety of its existence.

Just some moments before we go to another man made time differential of universe its very probable that we might just become the very entities of this forever expanding universe. And what can be a better way to commemorate new year other than writing a blog post? Well lets give a warm applause to another 365 days of already planned life of a unicorn.