Sunday, February 23, 2014

The WRIT of the state

We can very comfortably and quite sarcastically call ourselves the most privileged youth of the world. The youth which spends most of its time listening news reading news and watching news. Likewise, I spend most of my day following news and since the time we have endeavored ourselves with the peace talks, my enthusiasm for following the news has stirred new heights. Yes I am talking about the peace talks with Tehreek Taliban Pakistan. 

The recent air attacks on the tribal region prompted me to scribble my thoughts on the piece of paper. I am of the opinion that these present peace talks with TTP has become one of the most analyzed and spoken issue in the history of Pakistan. It is highly unlikely that one finds a person who’ll not have an opinion about these present ongoing peace talks. Everyone has an opinion so do I, and my opinion is the specie human must always contend against any offensive till the time it becomes inevitable. I have a steadfast, unwavering resolve towards peace talks. There had been certain times when I forced myself to think the otherwise but my brain was of no assistance. I was sharing the same opinion with one of my very good friend who studied with me in the college back in the days when I was in Pakistan. As time passed we both continued our journeys through life and at this point of time we both are in two different parts of the world in two different roles and suggesting two different solutions to the same problem. This my very dear friend at this very moment is serving in Waziristan as a captain in Pakistan armed forces.  

The last time when I talked to him after what happened to the FC personnel made me think that may be I am not even trying to understand him. In a very muscular way by unclogging my mind he made me understand that his only job is to protect the people and how terrible and incapacitated he feels when he is deprived of his very job. He further added that the notion that tribal people sympathize with Taliban is itself blemished because they don’t. His enthusiasm and ebullience to help the people and liberate them was itself mesmerizing. I happen to be an adamant critic of army but at that very moment without a single doubt I felt exclusive to be protected by such highly esteemed personnel. Another of his daunting challenge is to be able to gather all the patience available out there to hold himself upright despite hearing his success rate is 40%. In his words he is living to ensure the writ of the state stands firm and strong in every corner of this country and it matter little to him what the success rate is. 

Clearly he made me think, but the term writ of the state is a much misapprehended term. State is the mother of all the bad, the ugly and the right; for each and everyone state is responsible. State will not look weak but instead attentive by not taking any forceful action because of resulting thousands of IDPs, increased extremism and more social divide. How is it even sensible that state be ruthless to a majority of civilians for a handful of criminals. We had learnt from our history that using force internally always had made us weak. From the fall of Dhaka to Baluchistan the examples are so atrocious that we can’t just dwell on them. The solution is difficult and very much demanding but it will liberate us, it will be the peace process which will eventually kill all the extremism in our society.  This extremism is because of various reasons from military operations to almost no infrastructure development. 

There can be no reason good enough to bomb the civilian populated areas with air strikes. The people in tribal areas have a history, we did not build a single school for them in 50 years and yet we have a nerve to accuse them of being backward. In the end these are our people we can't bomb them for sake of some criminals. What about our ground forces are they so weak that they can't even handle bunch of criminals in their own country without air strikes ?. We must understand that pounding our civilian areas with air strikes will only create more extremism and more hatred. The following video edited by the Bechancing World Blog team is a glimpse of what these air strikes are actually doing to the people of Pakistan. 

Link 1 Youtube

Link 2 Dailymotion

We allowed 55 thousand times the bombers to fly off our airspace and attack our neighboring country Afghanistan. That is barbarism in its very accurate sense. In the end the best way out was, is and will be peace talks. 

" If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other " Mother Teresa

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Sunday, February 23, 2014

The WRIT of the state

We can very comfortably and quite sarcastically call ourselves the most privileged youth of the world. The youth which spends most of its time listening news reading news and watching news. Likewise, I spend most of my day following news and since the time we have endeavored ourselves with the peace talks, my enthusiasm for following the news has stirred new heights. Yes I am talking about the peace talks with Tehreek Taliban Pakistan. 

The recent air attacks on the tribal region prompted me to scribble my thoughts on the piece of paper. I am of the opinion that these present peace talks with TTP has become one of the most analyzed and spoken issue in the history of Pakistan. It is highly unlikely that one finds a person who’ll not have an opinion about these present ongoing peace talks. Everyone has an opinion so do I, and my opinion is the specie human must always contend against any offensive till the time it becomes inevitable. I have a steadfast, unwavering resolve towards peace talks. There had been certain times when I forced myself to think the otherwise but my brain was of no assistance. I was sharing the same opinion with one of my very good friend who studied with me in the college back in the days when I was in Pakistan. As time passed we both continued our journeys through life and at this point of time we both are in two different parts of the world in two different roles and suggesting two different solutions to the same problem. This my very dear friend at this very moment is serving in Waziristan as a captain in Pakistan armed forces.  

The last time when I talked to him after what happened to the FC personnel made me think that may be I am not even trying to understand him. In a very muscular way by unclogging my mind he made me understand that his only job is to protect the people and how terrible and incapacitated he feels when he is deprived of his very job. He further added that the notion that tribal people sympathize with Taliban is itself blemished because they don’t. His enthusiasm and ebullience to help the people and liberate them was itself mesmerizing. I happen to be an adamant critic of army but at that very moment without a single doubt I felt exclusive to be protected by such highly esteemed personnel. Another of his daunting challenge is to be able to gather all the patience available out there to hold himself upright despite hearing his success rate is 40%. In his words he is living to ensure the writ of the state stands firm and strong in every corner of this country and it matter little to him what the success rate is. 

Clearly he made me think, but the term writ of the state is a much misapprehended term. State is the mother of all the bad, the ugly and the right; for each and everyone state is responsible. State will not look weak but instead attentive by not taking any forceful action because of resulting thousands of IDPs, increased extremism and more social divide. How is it even sensible that state be ruthless to a majority of civilians for a handful of criminals. We had learnt from our history that using force internally always had made us weak. From the fall of Dhaka to Baluchistan the examples are so atrocious that we can’t just dwell on them. The solution is difficult and very much demanding but it will liberate us, it will be the peace process which will eventually kill all the extremism in our society.  This extremism is because of various reasons from military operations to almost no infrastructure development. 

There can be no reason good enough to bomb the civilian populated areas with air strikes. The people in tribal areas have a history, we did not build a single school for them in 50 years and yet we have a nerve to accuse them of being backward. In the end these are our people we can't bomb them for sake of some criminals. What about our ground forces are they so weak that they can't even handle bunch of criminals in their own country without air strikes ?. We must understand that pounding our civilian areas with air strikes will only create more extremism and more hatred. The following video edited by the Bechancing World Blog team is a glimpse of what these air strikes are actually doing to the people of Pakistan. 

Link 1 Youtube

Link 2 Dailymotion

We allowed 55 thousand times the bombers to fly off our airspace and attack our neighboring country Afghanistan. That is barbarism in its very accurate sense. In the end the best way out was, is and will be peace talks. 

" If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other " Mother Teresa

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